Enchant System

Enchant System Overview

Normal Scrolls

        • Rate: 75% success rate, decreasing with every enchant.

        • Failure: If the enchantment fails, the item will break.

          Blessed Scrolls

          • Rate: 75% success rate, decreasing with every enchant.

          • Failure: If the enchantment fails, the item will return to +3.

            Crystal Scrolls

            • Rate: 75% success rate, decreasing with every enchant.

            • Failure: If the enchantment fails, the item will remain at the same enchant level.

              Infinity Scrolls

              • Rate: 25% success rate.

              • Failure: If the enchantment fails, the item will remain at the same enchant level.

              • Usage: Can only be used for Hero Weapons.